Posted March 1, 2006 6:19pm

sandykp writes...

I thought I saw somewhere where you could search thru TMG without going thru both programs? Where is this if I am correct. I just downloaded the GS program and version is 109....something. How do I know if this is the most recent version?

Sandy,roaming around in our RV doing genealogy

On 2006-03-01 6:50pm GenSmarts replied...

Yes, in TMG Version 6 or higher you can get GenSmarts suggestions for the person you're looking at by pressing CTRL-E. It's also in the TMG TOOLS menu, and you can define that function (get suggestions for this person) on the TMG tool bar if you like.

What TMG does is call GenSmarts in the background (you'll see this happen in a popup progress indicator window) to get the suggestions, then TMG presents them to you. Since the suggestions are insed TMG you can do cool things, like add them to your TMG to do list.

Requires GenSmarts full edition version or higher, so your GenSmarts versin of 1.0.9 should be fine.

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