GenSmarts Version

Posted December 1, 2003

Support for more countries and research sources
Fixed a bug in reading version 4 TMG files, that was introduced in version
A variety of improvements to the way access keys work to enable the software. We don't suggest bothering with upgrading to this version simply for these changes, since they don't affect those of you who already have the software installed.
A small enhancement to the way we read TMG files. We now will note, as events, when you have people listed as a witness to a census. This was done by request, as we understand many of you use this technique (rather than actual events) to record people you've found listed on a census.
Fixed bug that was causing obsolete suggestions to be deleted from the TO DO list. Obsolete suggestions are those suggestions which GenSmarts previously made, and were marked with a Research Result (probably a Not Found), but that no longer make sense, either because of changes in your data or improvements in GenSmarts. The intent was to continue to carry these in your TO DO list, as you had marked them, but with an comment that GenSmarts now considered them obsolete. To delete them, you could simply CLEAR the research results and they would go away. This bug was preventing them from being carried in the TO DO list, so they effectively were being deleted for you. While some might consider this a feature (saves you from deleting all those NOT FOUND's yourself), that wasn't the intent - we wanted to let the user decide if they wanted to keep that specific research result or not.
Fixed bug that was causing the AVAILABLE ONLINE button to route you to the "TRIAL OFFERS" page
Fixed a related bug that was not initializing SMARTLINK/SMARTSEARCH correctly for modem users
Fixed bug in Rootsweb searches that was preventing SmartLink and SmartSearch from working correctly
Removed previously unknown limit in the number of different TMG census type tags GenSmarts could support
Improved error handling/correction when missing/outdated Microsoft drivers needed for FDB/TMG/RMG files are detected
Added state name to TO DO list display for county record suggestions
Obsolete suggestions can now be deleted by simply CLEARing the research result they've been marked with
Fixed bug in IL Marriage search that wasn't putting a required space between surname and given name
Added timeout on update and broadcast message check so GenSmarts won't make you wait if the internet connection is slow
Fixed bug that was causing some internet connections to not detect available updates
Fixed a bug in Gedcom loading - CENS tags that didn't have both a place and a date
Enhanced pre-req checking for RMG/TMG files by looking at the version of VFPODBC.DLL present - needs to be 6.1 or greater
Versions of MS VFPODBC.DLL and ADO are now on the HELP...ABOUT... screen
Turned off the debug log (oops, didn't mean to leave this on post-beta)

Tags:  Family Tree Maker  Legacy  Gedcom  RootsMagic  TMG  

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